$ busybox nc
BusyBox v1.18.5 (Ubuntu 1:1.18.5-1ubuntu4.1) multi-call binary.
Usage: nc [-iN] [-wN] [-l] [-p PORT] [-f FILE|IPADDR PORT] [-e PROG]
Open a pipe to IP:PORT or FILE
-e PROG Run PROG after connect
-l Listen mode, for inbound connects
(use -l twice with -e for persistent server)
-p PORT Local port
-w SEC Timeout for connect
-i SEC Delay interval for lines sent
-f FILE Use file (ala /dev/ttyS0) instead of network
簡言之,若是整合的程式是一隻 socket server,要走 socket 跟他溝通,這時就可以用 nc 指令測試,假設 server 跑在 port 55688,且 server 是 read 一段話後,去判斷那段話來做事,例如 play boy 好了,那這時只需用 nc 就可以模擬 socket 連線,可省去寫一段小程式來測驗:
$ echo "play boy" | busybox nc server_ip server_port
除了上述 client mode 外,其實 nc 也能當 server:
$ busybox nc -l -p server_port
能夠有這樣的測試方式真是太幸福了 XD