查詢 Admob 的 iOS release notes 可知 Admob 6.5.0 (2013/07/16) 時已經有用到 IDFA 了。但很妙地,上回上傳時沒碰到,但這次更新時又會碰到?這次就試著勾選處理了。
如果在一開始上傳 binary 前選 Dose this app use the Advertising Identifier (No) 時,上傳 binary 時,驗證過程會看到類似的訊息:
Improper Advertising Identifier IDFA Usage. Your app contains the Advertising Identifier IDFA API ...解法在此刻只能遞交一份空專案,接著在 Reject by developer 後,才能再重新填這張單子。
簡言之,在 Admob 而言,就是勾選三項:
- Does this app use the Advertising Identifier (Yes)
- Serve advertisements within the app (checked)
- Limit Ad Tracking setting in iOS (checked)
不過,話說那最後一條真的是背書啊 Orz 亂用第三方 libraries 挺抖的。