2023年12月31日 星期日

使用 Hugo 跟 Cloudflare 架設個人品牌網站 - changyy.app

買了 changyy.app 網域好一陣子,想說該用來經營一下個人品牌,然後一直偷懶 XD 目前用 Github private repository + Hugo + Cloudflare 維護 https://changyy.app 網站,最近來換一下 Hugo theme ,再重新複習一下。

目前架設個人品牌網站,主要著重在把一些網路足跡紀錄一下,雖說 linkedin 上也是整理足跡的方式,但目的是很正式的求職路線,一些有趣的小品反而不太適合。近三年嘗試了 golang、python 和 node.js 等等外,在工作上的程式語言有盡可能切換到 Python,也試著把一些小品工具包裝成 PyPi 安裝方式作為收尾,預計就可以用來充實個人品牌網站了?!

  • 把相關網站靠 link 關聯著
  • 提供撰寫簡單的條列式記錄生活
就這樣,先挑了 hugo-PaperMod 樣版來試試。


% hugo version
hugo v0.121.1+extended Darwin/arm64 BuildDate=unknown VendorInfo=macports

% hugo new site MyWebsite --format yaml
Congratulations! Your new Hugo site was created in /path/MyWebsite.

Just a few more steps...

1. Change the current directory to /path/MyWebsite.
2. Create or install a theme:
   - Create a new theme with the command "hugo new theme <THEMENAME>"
   - Install a theme from https://themes.gohugo.io/
3. Edit hugo.yaml, setting the "theme" property to the theme name.
4. Create new content with the command "hugo new content <SECTIONNAME>/<FILENAME>.<FORMAT>".
5. Start the embedded web server with the command "hugo server --buildDrafts".

See documentation at https://gohugo.io/.

% cd MyWebsite
% hugo serve

接著套用一下 PaperMod 樣板,稍微從他的教學 github.com/adityatelange/hugo-PaperMod/wiki 小改:

% curl -L https://github.com/adityatelange/hugo-PaperMod/archive/v7.0.zip > /tmp/v7.0.zip
% unzip /tmp/v7.0.zip -d themes/
% mkdir -p config/_default/
% cat config/_default/config.yml 
theme: "hugo-PaperMod-7.0"
% tree -L 2
├── archetypes
│   └── default.md
├── assets
├── config
│   └── _default
├── content
├── data
├── hugo.yaml
├── i18n
├── layouts
├── static
└── themes
    └── hugo-PaperMod-7.0

12 directories, 2 files

% hugo serve



% cat config/_default/config.yml 
# https://gohugo.io/getting-started/configuration/
baseURL: https://your-domain
languageCode: en-us
title: YourWebsiteName
theme: hugo-PaperMod-7.0

# https://analytics.google.com/analytics/web/?#/xxxxx/reports/intelligenthome
googleAnalytics: G-XXXXXXX

  disableXML: true
  minifyOutput: true

# https://github.com/adityatelange/hugo-PaperMod/wiki/Installation
  env: production
  # https://github.com/adityatelange/hugo-PaperMod/wiki/Features#profile-mode
    enabled: true
    imageUrl: https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/MD5_Of_EmailAddress?size=120
    imageWidth: 120
    imageHeight: 120
      - name: open source
        url: /projects

    - name: github
      url: https://github.com/id
    - name: linkedin
      url: https://linkedin.com/in/id
    - name: blogger
      url: https://your-blog-url
    favicon: https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/MD5_Of_EmailAddress?size=128
    favicon16x16: https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/MD5_Of_EmailAddress?size=16
    favicon32x32: https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/MD5_Of_EmailAddress?size=32
    apple_touch_icon: https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/MD5_Of_EmailAddress?size=128
    safari_pinned_tab: https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/MD5_Of_EmailAddress?size=128

% tree -L 2
├── archetypes
│   └── default.md
├── assets
├── config
│   └── _default
├── content
│   └── projects
├── data
├── hugo.yaml
├── i18n
├── layouts
├── static
└── themes
    └── hugo-PaperMod-7.0

13 directories, 2 files

下一刻則是 Cloudflare 那邊設定 Workers & Pages 項目,就長出了 changyy.app 啦,希望 2024年還有餘力繼續擴充足跡。

